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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Prayer for Eternal Awareness

Heavenly Father, we gather in Your presence, humbled by the truths unveiled in our exploration of Psalm 90. You are the Alpha and Omega, the Eternal One who holds the fabric of time in Your hands. Today, we come before You, seeking Your grace, wisdom, and guidance.

As we reflect on the brevity of life, Father, open our hearts to acknowledge our complete dependence on You. In the transient nature of our existence, let us find solace in the truth that You are our refuge, our dwelling place throughout all generations.

Lord, forgive us for the times we've been consumed by worldly distractions, forgetting the eternal perspective. Instill in us a spirit of humility and contemplation, that we may align our lives with the eternal, not the temporal.

We stand on the promise of the Gospel—the unconditional promise of eternal hope found in Christ. Thank you for the transformative power of His sacrifice on the cross, breaking the chains of our fallen nature. May we embrace the forgiveness and reconciliation offered through His redeeming love.

Triumphant God, in the face of our mortality, we rejoice in the triumph over death secured by Christ's resurrection. Let this assurance resonate in our hearts, dispelling fear and kindling a hope that transcends the constraints of time.

Now, Lord, as we conclude this journey through Psalm 90, I lift up every listener. May they live with eternal awareness, numbering their days with a heart of wisdom. Empower them to become messengers of hope, sharing the promise of eternal life in both word and deed.

Grant us, O Lord, the strength to live out this awareness in practical ways—loving unconditionally, serving selflessly, and extending grace abundantly. May our lives be living testimonies to the eternal significance found in You.

In the quiet moments of each day, remind us of Your eternal wisdom, and may our actions echo in eternity. Bless us with the unshakable assurance that, though our days on earth are numbered, our hope in Christ endures for all eternity.

I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

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