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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 356: Choices and Changes - Thriving in the Divine Way

Hello again, beloved listeners. Pastor Loren here, and I'm thrilled to conclude this short, three-part series of "A Word from the Vine," focused on how we as pastors can live the divine way. In this episode, we'll explore the dynamic nature of our sacred vocation and how embracing change can lead us to thrive in the transformative journey of our divine calling.

Our guiding scripture for today comes from 2 Timothy 2:15: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."

This verse carries profound wisdom for our understanding of the dynamic nature of our divine calling. It encourages us to strive for excellence, presenting ourselves as approved workers in God's service. But notice the dynamic aspect—it's a continuous effort, an ongoing journey.

Now, let's delve into two key aspects of thriving in the dynamic way of life that is our divine calling:

Embracing Change and Adaptation:

The divine calling is dynamic. It's not a static position but a continuously evolving way of life. Think about the early disciples—constantly adapting to new situations, embracing change, and navigating the challenges of spreading the Gospel. Similarly, we, too, must embrace change and adapt to the evolving landscape of ministry.

This isn't just about surviving; it's about thriving in our divine way of life. Embracing change doesn't mean compromising our core beliefs; it means being flexible in our methods, strategies, and approaches. The Apostle Paul demonstrated this adaptability throughout his ministry, adjusting his approach based on the cultural context while remaining grounded in the unchanging truth of the Gospel.

As pastors, we are called to be relevant and effective communicators of God's Word. This requires a willingness to adapt to the ever-changing needs of our congregations and communities. Embracing change is not a sign of weakness; it's a recognition that our divine calling is dynamic, requiring flexibility and resilience.

Seeking Professional and Spiritual Development:

Our divine calling is a continuous journey of growth and development. In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul encourages Timothy to do his best in rightly handling the word of truth. This implies a commitment to ongoing education and spiritual growth.

Investing in professional and spiritual development isn't just a career move; it's a commitment to the dynamic nature of our divine way of life. The early disciples didn't stop learning after the day of Pentecost; they continued to grow in knowledge and wisdom. Paul, too, urged Timothy to continue growing in his understanding of the Scriptures.

Colleagues, let's be intentional about our development. Attend workshops, pursue further education, and engage in activities that enhance both your pastoral skills and your spiritual depth. The more equipped we are, the better we can navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with our divine calling.

As we conclude this short series, I encourage you to embrace the dynamic nature of your divine calling. Thrive in the ever-evolving journey, adapting to change, and committing to continuous growth. May you be workers approved by God, rightly handling the word of truth in a way that brings glory to His name.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of "A Word from the Vine." I pray that these reflections guide you in thriving in the dynamic and transformative nature of your divine calling. Until next time, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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