Welcome to the final part of this four-part series on "A Word from the Vine." I’m Pastor Loren Christensen of Danish Countryside Chapel in Exira, Iowa. Today, we’re looking at the rich young man’s response to Jesus and what it means for us. This is where the rubber meets the road, folks. It’s decision time.
We turn to Mark 10:22 - “Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.”
The young man walked away sorrowful because he couldn’t let go of his wealth. He had great possessions, and they had a great hold on him. He couldn’t part with his earthly treasures, even for the promise of eternal life. This is a tragic moment. He came so close to the truth, but he couldn’t make the final step. He chose his possessions over Jesus.
Are you walking away from Jesus because you can’t let go of your stuff? Wake up! Your treasure should be in heaven, not in your wallet! Don’t let your possessions possess you. Jesus is offering you something far greater—eternal life. But you have to be willing to let go. Don’t be like the rich young man who walked away sorrowful. Choose Jesus, choose eternal life.
Think about the parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:16-21. This man had an abundant harvest and decided to build bigger barns to store all his grain. He thought he could relax and enjoy his wealth for many years. But God called him a fool and told him that his life would be demanded from him that very night. He had stored up treasure for himself but was not rich toward God. We need to learn from his mistake and focus on storing up treasure in heaven.
Or consider the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11. They sold a piece of property and kept back part of the money for themselves, while pretending to give it all to the apostles. They were struck dead for their deceit and greed. Their love of money led to their downfall. We need to be honest and generous with our resources, using them to bless others and advance God’s kingdom.
Let’s get real for a moment. We live in a materialistic society that bombards us with messages that we need more stuff to be happy. We’re constantly told that we need the latest gadgets, the biggest houses, the nicest cars. But Jesus is calling us to a different way of living. He’s calling us to find our treasure in Him, not in the things of this world.
Jesus’ call to the rich young man was radical. He didn’t just ask him to give up a portion of his wealth; He asked him to give it all away. This wasn’t about the money itself; it was about the young man’s heart. Jesus knew that his wealth was his idol, the thing he trusted in more than God. And Jesus is asking us the same question today: What is your idol? What are you holding onto that’s keeping you from fully following Him?
Let’s take a moment to reflect. What are the things in your life that you’re holding onto too tightly? Is it your job, your house, your savings account? Jesus is calling you to let go of these things and trust Him completely. He’s calling you to find your treasure in Him, not in the things of this world.
It’s time to wake up and make a commitment to Jesus. Use what you have to help others and store up treasure in heaven. Don’t be like the rich young man who walked away sorrowful. Choose Jesus, choose eternal life.
Thank you for joining me on "A Word from the Vine." God bless you and yours.